Home The Arabs and the world The Arab Parliament concludes its meetings in Cairo and holds its plenary session tomorrow in my country


The standing committees of the Arab Parliament have completed their meetings on Tuesday in anticipation of the launch of the fourth plenary session of the third session of the second legislature under the chairmanship of Mr Mishal bin Fahm al-Salami, Speaker of Parliament.

This occurs in the presence of Yemeni Parliament Speaker, Sultan Al-Barqani, at 10 am Wednesday morning in Cairo.

The meeting is preceded by a press conference of the President of the Arab Parliament and the Speaker of the Yemeni Parliament at 9 am.


The session will focus on the current Arab situation in the light of the crises, challenges and developments in the Arab countries and will examine the efforts of the Arab Parliament to support joint Arab and international action. to face threats to Arab national security.


The Committee on Foreign Affairs, Political Affairs and National Security today considered a draft resolution on the latest developments in the Republic of Yemen and examined political and security developments in the Arab countries and the developments in the region. a joint Arab action in the light of the decisions of the 30th Arab Summit held in Tunis on March 31 May 30.

The Commission also discussed the general framework and themes of the "Report on the Political Situation in the Arab World 2019", as well as the report of the Sub-Commission on "The Arab Parliament's Vision for Ensuring the Security of the Arab World". water in the Arab world, its current situation and its prospects for the future ".

The Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs has examined a number of proposals relating to the imperatives of achieving the Arab Common Market, Arab economic legislation and Arab trade, and has examined the proposals for Parliament's work in the field of the electrical interconnection between the Arab countries ". Challenges ".

For its part, the Legislative, Legal and Human Rights Committee considered a draft resolution on the fight against the phenomenon of Islamophobia, as well as a memorandum on the latest developments of the Arab joint action in the legislative, legal and human rights fields, as well as a report on the monitoring of human rights in Palestine.

The Committee on Social Affairs, Education and Culture, Women and Youth discussed a report on the latest developments regarding the launching of the Arab document on women's rights in the United Arab Emirates and a report on the evolution of joint Arab action in the field of competence of the Commission.

The Committee for Tourism Development in the Arab World, the Committee for the Study of Water Security in Arabic, a challenge for Arab National Security, and the Committee for the Study of water security in Arabic, the study of the proposed law to attract Arab capital to the Arab world, the proposal to study the legislation of a law on food security and the committee to study the proposal to prepare an Arab bill to regulate the work of charitable and humanitarian organizations, the Committee of Least Developed Arab Countries and the Committee on the Study and Settlement of States' Arrears in the Budget of the Arab Parliament and the allocation of members of the least developed Arab countries.

The meeting will be organized by the Parliament's Bureau to approve the agenda for the meeting, to be held on Wednesday morning.

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Source: "Al Watan"

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