Egypt's Farah El-Dibani Wins Best Opera Singer in Paris


The Egyptian artist Farah Al-Dibani won the prize for the best young opera singer of the Paris Opera and was the first Arab to win this prestigious award.

Farah Al-Dibani has already won several awards, but this award is a great badet for her because she has faced 800 people at the Paris Opera to participate in the contest. She has already pbaded them all and was accepted before participating in the contest.

Farah Al-Dibani was voted best young liberal talent by the German opera magazine. She won the Wagner Prize and sang on the stage of opera in Berlin.

Farah Dibani in Germany presents the personality of Carmen
Farah Dibani in Germany presents the personality of Carmen

Farah has already played Carmen at the Carmen Opera and at Stegneh Opera in Germany in July at a major festival in Germany and dreams of introducing Dorida into the famous Egyptian opera Aida.

Farah Dibani presents the famous character of Carmen
Farah Dibani presents the famous character of Carmen

Farah learned and grew up in Egypt and with Dr. Neven Alouba, who trained her to sing opera and to travel to Germany to study opera singing and continue to communicate with her and to participate in several concerts in Egypt despite his presence in Germany.

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