Microsoft tests the addition of a special button to the Office keys


A developer has discovered that Microsoft is testing the addition of an Office desktop application button to keyboards to make its work easier.

The developer – called The Walking Cat – has posted a Twitter fit to the button and said: "The concept of the Office Button" and displays the button bearing the Office Pack logo, similar to the current Windows button on the keyboards. Windows system.

the key concept of Office

– WalkingCat (@ h0x0d) June 18, 2019

And the deployment of Walking Cat another picture For a questionnaire asking to answer a few questions about the button, it is indicated that it will be dedicated to the addition of shortcuts, such as: the ability to quickly share documents and files.

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It appears from the questionnaire that Microsoft aims to make the button an alternative to the secondary button (Windows) located to the right of some keyboards or a button dedicated to the menus. In the questionnaire – which requires a Microsoft account and a business account – Microsoft asked the labs they wanted to see the dedicated button on their laptops.

The survey also shows that Microsoft is testing the Office Button in the latest version of the Windows operating system (Windows Update 10 for May 2019). Windows Update May 10, 2017.

It should be noted that Microsoft has imposed on the devices that will use the added Windows operating system a button dedicated to the system on keyboards, and 25 years ago, and in some keyboards, there are two keys for Windows.


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