A demonstration in Nablus refused to end the services of hundreds of "UNRWA" workers


Dozens of workers from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) protested on Monday against the administration's intention to terminate police services. 194 employees in the West Bank and 956 employees in the Gaza Strip. (UNRWA) in the city of Nablus, sign the need to retreat "UNRWA" and not make the decision to fire hundreds of workers because of the serious consequences for employees and their families. Shalabi, that the stand aims to put pressure on the "UNRWA"

Shalabi pointed out that the position came against the administration of the Agency not to open the new school year with a calendar in the schools of the Agency, pointing out that this has prompted many people not to register their children In these schools, which will lead to a decrease in the number of students and to the integration of clbades and the danger of separation of new teachers, pointing out that the number of students in UNRWA schools has decreased to 5 thousand students in the last five years. In the mouth of the official spokesman Sami Mashaa claims pbaded by some of the intention of the Agency to stop the salaries of 22 thousand employees.

About the schools of UNRWA and the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year .. He points out that the Commissioner General will make this important decision at the beginning of the school year and at the Opening of schools

On the other hand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned the calls of the religious group "Women in the Green" to organize the march of the night walls in memory of "ruins of the Temple ", used in recent years to launch them.

The ministry said Monday in a statement that the extremist march sweeps the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem as part of the occupation's attempts and its ongoing operations to Judaize occupied East Jerusalem and its old city , July 21, entitled "Walking on the Walls to Assert His Sovereignty over Jerusalem, Eternal Capital of Israel".

A number of Israeli officials, including the Minister of Jerusalem Affairs in the Zeev Al-Keen extremist occupation government and the Israeli Deputy Minister of Defense, Rabbi Eli Ben Dahan, and the representative of the US Republican Party in Israel, attorney Mark Tzel. "This provocative march is an extension of the" state of "ecstasy" and extremism that has dominated the political arena in Israel and the settler public since the disturbing declaration of Jerusalem by Trump and the transfer of "And the continuation of the Judaization of the holy city and its separation from its Palestinian entourage and its spill to the outskirts of the settlement of Judea applied by the four sides, which prevents the establishment of a viable, territorial and sovereign Palestinian state with its occupied capital East Jerusalem. "

The international community and relevant international organizations, including UNESCO, should act swiftly to defend its credibility and implement the relevant United Nations resolutions and take legal measures to compel Israel to respect the right international law, international humanitarian law, the Geneva Conventions, and international peace .. Not holding Israel accountable for its aggressive and provocative practices encourages it to commit other violations and crimes and to continue its violent isolation from Occupied Jerusalem and its holy places.

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