A diabetic patient is more likely than a man to develop cancer


Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2018 08:25 AM

  Diabetic patient more susceptible than men to cancer

Hyperglycemia may have carcinogenic effects

City News: – Revealed A Review of 47 Studies involving about 20 million people for the first time that women with diabetes are more likely than men to develop some form of cancer. Researchers warned that gender differences were "not trivial" and needed to be addressed.

The study of the George Institute for World Health at Oxford University found that women with diabetes were 27% more likely to develop cancer than uninfected women. According to the results published in the journal Diabetesology, diabetes in men was badociated with a 19% higher risk.

Overall, researchers found that women with diabetes were 6% more likely to develop cancer than men with diabetes. They found that women with diabetes were 11% more likely to develop kidney cancer, 13% for oral cancer, 14% for stomach cancer and 15% for leukemia compared to men with cancer. this disease. However, their risk of developing liver cancer was 12% lower than that of men with diabetes

. High levels of glucose in the blood can have carcinogenic effects by causing damage to the DNA.

Dr. Toshiyaki Okuma, "The relationship between diabetes and cancer risk is now firmly established."

It is important that scientists conduct more in-depth research to discover what leads to this, and that people with diabetes and the medical community are aware of the increased risk of cancer in infected women and men. Diabetes (الجزيرة نت )

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