A distress call to save thousands of children in the camp of Al-Rikban in southern Syria


Paramedics at the Rikban refugee camp on the Jordanian border in southern Syria launch a distress call to international and Arab humanitarian organizations to save thousands of Syrian and Palestinian children with life-threatening diseases .

Medical sources said in the call: Dozens of children suffer from severe diarrhea and hepatitis A because of high temperatures and shortage of food, health and safety. 39, drinking water.

She added: The number of children with diarrhea has reached about four thousand children and the number of cases of hepatitis A of about 1,000 children.

Medical authorities of al-Rikban camp said that they were not able to provide treatment and prevention to these many injured children because medical support and financial for all camp medical staff was cut.

and called on all relief agencies to stress their suffering and provide medical supplies to the camp for the large number of sick children, women and elderly people.

It is worth mentioning that thousands of Palestinian and Syrian refugees have been displaced from their areas of residence because of barrel and missile bombings by the Syrian regime and Russian planes

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