A European warning of great harm if America charges fees on cars


The European Union warned that the imposition of US duties on imports of cars and their components would harm the European car industry and would likely result in countermeasures from partners for US exports of $ 294 billion.

10 pages sent Friday to the US Department of Commerce, car costs and components are unjustified and economically illogical.

The US Department of Commerce launched an investigation for national security reasons on May 23 under the leadership of US President Donald Trump. Who criticized the alliance

The European Union imposes a 10 percent tax, compared to 2.5 percent for cars entering the United States.

Trump said last week that the government had completed its trade surplus with the United States, and pointed out that the United States will act soon, after earlier threatened to impose a 20% tax on all cars pooled in the European Union.

The European Union has issued cars worth 37.4 billion euros in the United States In 2017, when importing cars Amri

The European Union says that US taxes are higher for some products such as trucks.

He said in his letter that companies in the countries of the Union produced about 2.9 million cars in the United States. A function when calculating sales agents and stores selling car parts.

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