A full year of imprisonment and a fine of 3,000 pounds for the perpetrators of this offense


We offer you the latest news in the following article:
Traffic: Imprisonment for a full year and a fine of 3,000 pounds on the perpetrators of this violation, citing the Egypt Fife website, Monday, July 23, 2018.

The Traffic Expert, Majdi Majid al-Shahid, confirmed that The streets of Egypt will be threatened with a fine and a fine of up to about 3 thousand pounds, in addition to a penalty of Imprisonment of one year in case of repeated violation.

This comes at a time when the "Kiki Challenge" phenomenon is starting to spread among the Egyptian youth and some stars of society, imitating what is happening in some foreign countries challenges called "Challenge Kiki" where the nobody comes out of his car suddenly. Dance to the music while the car door is open.

Majdi al-Shahed asked all citizens to refrain from imitating such useless strange acts, emphasizing that this pbadage would not make it easy to cross and that all those who performed this dance had to be punished.

Traffic expert Majdi al-Shahid, in his remarks on the sidelines of the program "The paper and the pen", broadcast last night on "Ten": "This dance can cause chaos in the streets, and the law will not leave all, as long as they cause traffic disruptions, and can lead to accidents and deaths and endanger lives, which is not authorized at all.

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Source: Egypt Fife

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