A glass of milk a day protects against clots


2018-07-18 12:32:55

Milk is one of the most important drinks of the body and is an excellent source of calcium, protein, potbadium, phosphorus, vitamins A and D. (19659003) The Role of Milk in Stroke Prevention:

Stroke is the most dangerous disease of the human body and the prevention of many diseases. Diseases that can affect humans, and in a new British study has been found that milk has an important role in the treatment of clots, the study confirmed that whole milk is useful for the arteries and not harmful to them Like And After many tests on people who consume milk daily, the researchers found that whole milk reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack and blockage of the arteries and does not increase these risks. . Although some people who wish to lose weight avoid taking whole milk, for fear of taking too much fat, researchers have found no evidence linking dairy fats, heart disease and stroke. Creamy milk can protect the body from blows and decrease the risk of arterial obstruction, this study coincided with another study done in the United States and the study was extended to about twenty of years, indicating that dairy cream does not increase the risk of heart disease and does not cause premature death.

A recent French study has shown that milk and all its derivatives, such as cheese and yogurt, are not a role in overweight, especially in childhood, and this study was conducted at the "Paul Pocus Institute" in France, the study included about 203,000 and 269 i The researchers concluded that there is no scientific basis to show that whole milk or one of its derivatives has a role in increasing the weight of children, as confirmed by a US study that the intake of the recommended amount of milk per day, and especially the cow's milk protects children from obesity and the risk of developing a metabolic syndrome, a condition characterized by diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and high levels of sugar, so that children can eat two or three cups of whole milk a day.

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