A low dose of aspirin a day can fight ovarian cancer


Dear guests, I welcome you again and thank you for visiting the economic site Welcome to our website Dear visitor, A low dose of aspirin a day can fight against ovarian cancer We aspire to be as successful as our site A low dose of aspirin a day can fight ovarian cancer because we are looking for the latest and most important news from all websites and news agencies Aajal: A low dose of aspirin a day can fight ovarian cancer. Low dose of exp reindeer daily can fight ovarian cancer, to be shown on our website, a low dose of aspirin a day can fight ovarian cancer, so you can follow everything new in the world of news. [Lundi 23 juillet 2018 11:49] NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A low dose of aspirin a day can help women avoid ovarian cancer or improve their survival if they are infected, according to two new studies.

A low daily dose of aspirin, as many older women take to help their heart, is badociated with a 10% reduction in ovarian cancer. The researchers said that it was badociated with up to 30% of survival cases for ovarian cancer patients. "These studies prove the utility of using these anti-inflammatory drugs and insights into how to prevent and treat this deadly disease," said Dr. Mitchell Kramer, professor of obstetrics and Gynecology at the Hannington Hospital in New York. However, recommending a daily dose of aspirin of 81 milligrams may be enough to prevent, as well as help women who have already contracted the disease. "

Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, largely because of its late detection.
According to researchers, there is growing evidence that the Inflammation plays a role in the development of cancer, Exacerbate the results.

Medications such as aspirin and non-steroidal nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including ibuprofen (motrin, advil) or naproxen (AL), have been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers, especially colon cancer.

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Source: Egyptian today

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