A medical convoy in the village of Naqita in Mansoura to detect hepatitis


The Department of Community Service and Environmental Development of the Faculty of Medicine of Mansoura University headed by Dr. Nisreen Salah Omar, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development, has organized a convoy of the young Mansoura University under the slogan " On the occasion of the celebration of the World Day of Hepatitis

the convoy provided guidelines for health awareness and methods of transmission for villagers from another group of young people.With a number of medical badyzes [196590] Dr. Nesrin reported that was examined about 15 thousand people hospital The specialized traineeship will be disbursed treatment to patients in the hospital by the National Committee for Hepatitis. 19659003] over the last three years. years in coordination with Al Batinah Specialist Hospital and Department of Diseases Endemic to Mansoura Medicine by Medical Convoy and Therapy Dispensation for Patients d, s, id) {
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