A new shock to the Egyptian .. Pansy injury with a cut in the Achilles tendon


A new shock to the Egyptian .. Pansy's injury with a cut in the Achilles tendon The Charter cites a story of a new shock to the Egyptian .. Pansy struck by a cut in the Achilles tendon, a new shock to the Egyptian.

The Charter demonstrated the magnetic resonance imaging of Burkina Faso International Aristide Pansi, the Egyptian striker Al-Borceidi in one of the specialized medical centers in radiology The diagnosis was supported by a 1 cm cutter of Potter Eccles.

The medical and radiological report of the player must be presented to a number of doctors inside and outside of Egypt to determine the next step in the treatment of the player.

The player was injured in the last match of the African team against Yonayo of Sungo, Mozambique, with two unanswered goals in last Friday's match.

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