A shock in the artistic milieu after the death of a young artist in mysterious circumstances


A number of artists cried the actor Mustafa Al Ali, who died at his home

The story of death shocked many of his friends because of his young age and he also appreciated his work and his performances.

The artist Anji Khattab said on the social networking site Facebook: Mustafa Al Ali died two days, Naim at home alone, and did not know that he died today because they smell of his apartment, They broke the door to kill him alone, and a sense of humor, O Lord, I am shocked and amazed, a young man D, and was respected, and each limit knew by his love, his dream keeps a star, God forgive you, Mustafa, and makes your paradise, death is possible to take a limit of you and regret a thousand times Mklmtosh, your right Mustafa supreme, Baqali duration Mkltksh, your right O my friend, our Lord

As the artist Karolene Azmi, the deceased artist on the social networking site Facebook: a big shock, our Lord thank you Moustafa.

The young artist Amr Abdel Aziz said on the social networking site Facebook: Eh world right now Cd

There's only power in God, my dear friend, the # Artist Mustafa al-Ali in the illusion of God, we are God and we return to him, I ask you all to read the fatihah and pray for him with pity. (19659007) And the young artist Ahmed Wafiq wrote on the social networking site Facebook: "Thank God Mustafa Mshit Badri in the first dream his ambition was great .. My heart and make me strong That we do not rejoice with our Lord better than here Yamstvi.

The late Mustafa Al Ali begins his artistic career through the university theater.

The series "Al Haker" with Fathi Abdel

Al-Ali participated in a collection of Works of art which consisted of 13 works, varied between cinematographic and dramatic.

The deceased actor participated in the series "The Axelance", with the artist Ahmed Ezz, and in the series "Shams" alongside the star Leila Alawi, and Ghada Abdel Razek participated in the series "First Lady".

His latest art was his participation in the role of honor in the series "The Baron" by Amr Abdel Jalil

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