A teenager between the ages of 15 and 19 gets HIV every three minutes


France 24 / AFP

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has announced that a teenager aged 15 to 19 is infected every three minutes. In 2017, 130,000 people under the age of 20 died of the disease and 430,000 new HIV cases were reported in this age group

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) ) announced at the 22nd, reported that a teenager aged 15 to 19 is infected with HIV every three minutes, warning of a "crisis" of public health forgotten.

Two-thirds of AIDS infections occur in this age group, according to data presented at the conference. "Women and girls are not," said UNICEF Executive Director Henriette Fore in a statement. "Most countries have access to the necessary information and services and can not even reject bad that does not use protective means."

"AIDS is spreading rapidly among the most vulnerable and marginalized."

] In 2017, 130,000 people under the age of 20 died of the disease and 430,000 new HIV cases were reported in this age group.

The death rate of adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 has remained unchanged and has declined since 2010 among other age groups.

UNICEF condemned the report "We have early badual intercourse, especially with much older men, forced relationships, undisputed domination, poverty, and limited access to counseling and testing."

Actress Charlize Theron pointed out at the international conference "Inferior to women and girls in the world."

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