A US investment delegation will visit Cairo in October to inject new investments


Dr. Sahar Nasr, Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, has met with a number of large US companies investing in Egypt at a meeting organized by the US Chamber of Commerce, in the presence of the United States. Ambbadador Ybader Reda, Washington, Hisham Fahmy, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Cairo, and the Presidents and Directors of American Ageco Companies, Abex International Energy, Procter & Gamble, Pfizer, Boeing, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Kosh, Lockheed Martin , Met Life, Glowar Park and Watts Contractors

. The Egyptian government actively promotes private sector investment as an engine of economic growth, job creation and poverty alleviation. Egypt has implemented major reforms and investment and reviewed the results achieved. In terms of legislation and regulation of the adoption of several laws and regulations, including the new law on investment and its executive regulations, the law of restructuring and reconciliation, bankruptcy, bankruptcy and l & # 39; Postponement of financing and privatization. Noting that the new law on investment includes a number of clear incentives and comprehensive guarantees for investors.

The minister noted that the new government headed by Mustafa Madbouli, prime minister, believes in the role of the private sector in development. The Egyptian private sector and the strengthening of its role in all sectors and its participation in the implementation of major national projects, mainly the Suez Cbad development project which aims to maximize the potential of this promising region between the region and the region. East and West. In addition to creating an attractive legislative environment for the private sector for investment, this goes through the law on investment and complementary laws, and the development of infrastructure of roads, electricity, water and energy and connect them to the citizen.

The minister stressed that the government was keen to maintain ongoing communication with the private sector and civil society organizations to implement the comprehensive development plan, praising private sector expansion in the recent period , especially in the energy sector. The Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation has launched the map of Egyptian investment, prepared in coordination with other ministries, where the map includes all investment opportunities in various fields in the Egyptian governorates, calling on US companies to become familiar with investment opportunities. Investment Law

The official website of the Ministry "www.miic.gov.eg" was created and updated to facilitate communication with businessmen and investors, easily identify all procedures and developments, legislate and facilitate the flow of information. At the Ministry to identify all opportunities and benefits and areas of investment.

The minister praised the number of US companies expanding their operations in Egypt and injecting new investments.

US companies have expressed their desire to inject new investment into the Egyptian market in the coming period. The American Chamber of Commerce has announced that an investment delegation consisting of major US companies will visit Egypt next October, confirming that the company will expand in Egypt over the coming period. . To find promising investment opportunities In various areas, and at the end of the meeting, it was agreed to coordinate in order to make the most of the next delegation visit, and presented all the opportunities of Investment on them.

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