A well-known agent criticizing Zamalek's behavior: how to renew oneself after being banned from the stadium?


  Omar Qora


Omar Qora

Sunday, July 29, 2018

10:17 p

Osama Farhat, the Nigerian midfielder's agent Maarouf Youssef, criticized the club's behavior to prevent him from participating in the mbad game on Saturday night.

The official start of Al-Zamalek was confirmed after Ferjani Sbadi and his participation in the white team

The player's agent added: "There was a need for a well-known organization and notification of the decision not to participate in the exercises a few days ago. "

The player was surprised that the officials prevented him from going to the stadium, especially after the inclusion of 4 players

Zamalek asked Marouf to sign renewal contracts for four seasons in preparation for his loan, and Murtada Mansour, the club president, confirmed the player's waiting list he did not leave.

Farahat said, "I do not know how he will renew the player and the club does not want to go to the stadium."

"Murtada Mansour wants to hold a special session in the presence of Marouf Youssef, but the player will be absent from this meeting after Badr of the club officials yesterday"

A well-known agent finished his remarks, saying: "After the final start of the Zamalek player, Sinnak "

Zamalek signed Maarouf Youssef in July 2014 with the Football Association under a tripartite agreement with Khaled Amar and Ahmed Dweidar, as a result of. a dispute with Al Ahli during the transfer period

. That the 25-year-old player had 133 matches in a match against Zamalek, scoring 7 goals and making 14, finishing the league three times, the Super and the Egyptian Cup.

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