Abdel-Aal discusses with the President of the Serbian Parliament the war against terrorism and economic cooperation


Ahmed Aweys wrote:

Published on:
Thursday July 19, 2018 – 19:03
| Last update:
Thursday July 19, 2018 – 19:03

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ali Abdel-Aal, discussed on Tuesday with the Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Maya Goykovic the preparations for the war on terror, illegal immigration and the promotion of economic cooperation between the two countries. The House of Representatives said the talks took place at the seat of the Serbian Parliament, during which both parties discussed the historical and in-depth relations between the two countries and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ali Abdel-Aal. The House of Representatives said in a statement issued today that Abdel-Al stressed the need to positively reflect the strong political relations on economic relations, and translated in the form of trade, economic and tourism appropriate, highlighting the importance of the re-direct flight For its part, the official spokesman for the House of Representatives Salahallah said: "The Speaker of Parliament was received at the official reception of Abdel-Aal , then held a closed meeting between the two parties to examine the historical and deep relations between the two countries.
The Speaker of the Serbian Parliament and Abdel-Aal held a press meeting after the joint meeting, in which he claimed that this visit was the first visit of a speaker of the Egyptian parliament in Serbia.The speaker of the Serbian parliament mentioned some historical facts, such as the the Non-Aligned Movement, highlighting the founding of former leaders and presidents of strong political relations.

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