Aboul Gheit: The Arab Parliament's recommendations for the child will be presented to decision-makers in the Arab world



Posted in:
Sunday, April 7, 2019 – 13:38
| Last update:
Sunday, April 7, 2019 – 13:38

Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, praised the experience of the Arab Parliament for Childhood, stressing that the recommendations of this Parliament are formulated by children and will be presented to decision makers in the Arab world through specialized mechanisms within the Arab League.

This came in a speech by Aboul Gheit at the opening of the permanent headquarters of the "Arab Parliament for the Child" held today in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. .

Abul-Gheit said that history was witnessing the launch of an Arab platform including children sharing the common destiny of the Arab parliament to debate their problems, formulate their recommendations and submit them to decision makers in the Arab world through specialized mechanisms of the League of Arab States.

The Secretary-General of the Arab League said: "I am pleased and honored to share with you today the opening of the permanent seat of the Arab Parliament for Children in the emirate of Sharjah , in the United Arab Emirates, dear to all Arab followers of the values ​​of Arabism and the unity of history and destiny.

He expressed his deep gratitude to the sponsor of this Arab forum for Arab children, Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, who has the best hands to support and promote Arab development work, especially in the field of improvement. of the situation of children in the Arab region.

He also wished the success and success of Mr. Ayman Othman Al Baroot in his mission as First Secretary General of the Arab Parliament for the Child, who we hope will be an important pillar of the work at the service Arab children.

He stressed that the establishment of this Arab mechanism, which is the first of its kind in the world, stems from a decision taken by the Council of the League of Arab States at the Summit, and that it subscribes to this idea and that he is sponsored by Scheffan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi. It is therefore good for him that the children of the Arab countries participate in the work. The first session of the Arab Parliament for the Child hopes and aspires to the aspirations offered by this body, which wishes to enjoy the right to participate in the debate on their problems, an inherent right set forth in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and ratified by most Arab countries.

He expressed confidence that this platform would serve as a bridge for Arab children to communicate and be educated in a scientific, practical and educational way to instil the values ​​and concepts of democracy. , work and respect for others and make the personality of the Arab child a contributing factor in solving his problems.

"This is a responsibility we all promise to our children's partners, whom we see as the true wealth of Arab societies and a successful investment for tomorrow and a future in which our peoples will benefit from progress and prosperity.

He stressed that his confidence in the success of this Arab experience grew in light of Sharjah's advanced experiences in dealing with the problems of childhood as the Arab world's first Arab-friendly city with pioneering experience in the world. national level through the Children's Council, which complements the achievements of the state. WATER to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, with the consistent support of the UAE's competent authorities to promote the management of various development issues.

Despite the major challenges facing the Arab region in the current period and the many negative repercussions on the situation of children in a number of Arab countries, the Arab League is not indifferent to the challenges it faces, terrorism, which it seeks to attract and recruit. And threatens their psychological and mental balance and their physical integrity at every moment.

In this context, Aboul Gheit referred to the important decision taken in this regard at the recent Arab summit in Tunis, calling on the Arab Parliament to give this issue the priority it deserves, which is one of the main threats to Arab national security, the structure of the Arab family and the future of Arab societies.

"We will work in this context to support every step to create a different reality strengthening and supporting the rights of the child," he said, pointing out that a small step can save a child from claws Terrorism and a further step to help develop plans and legislate or protect the rights of the child. All present and future.

For example, as part of its desire to support Arab political, economic and social action in general and the rights of the child in particular, it has for instance launched the regional study on "The child labor in the Arab States ", recognizing the seriousness of this issue in the face of changes and developments. The current situation in the Arab region and the increase of direct and indirect exploitation of children in the labor sector, illegal activities and hazardous work.

He referred to the deterioration of the situation of children in countries of occupation, terrorism, armed conflict, instability and high rates of asylum and displacement.

"We never forget the suffering of our Palestinian children under the occupation.The Palestinian child is deprived not only of his basic natural rights, but also of his simple right to live in a place that 39 he calls a homeland … a haven of fear … for air raids, raids, repression and siege ".

"Nevertheless, Palestinian society has demonstrated and continues to be able to challenge and persevere by emphasizing education, so that the rates of illiteracy in Palestine are among the lowest in the Arab world.

"But some may have wanted to deprive the Palestinians of this latest weapon.We saw the United States freeze their contribution to UNRWA, which is learning about one million Palestinian children in its schools, but the Strengths of the international community and Arab donor countries helped to bridge the gap in UNRWA last year.

He hoped that UNRWA would continue to support this year as well so that its schools could remain open. Education remains the last resort for children born and living between apartheid walls, warning whistles and rubber bullets.

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