Abqaiq .. The fire broke out in an oil tanker and "eastern civil" controlled by


The evacuation of station workers and apostates .. No casualties

A division of civil defense in Buqaiq province took fire in one of the tankers inside a gas station. Lieutenant-Colonel Abdul Hadi Al-Shahrani told Sabq that the Buqayq Province Civil Defense Department's Control and Guidance Center had received a press release on Saturday morning (11:57). fire of a fuel tank. And immediately the civilian defense teams were relocated, and upon arrival it became clear Lieutenant Colonel Shahrani said that the station had been evacuated from the workers and its guards immediately and that it was clear. it had been besieged and the fire was prevented from spreading without injuring and, thank God,

A division of civil defense in Buqaiq province seized a fire in one of the tankers inside Lt. Col. Abdul Hadi Al-Shahrani said in Sabd that the center of control and orientation of the department of the d Immediately, the civilian defense teams relocated and, upon their arrival, it turned out that it was a fire in a fuel tank that broke out when unloading fuel into the station's tanks. .

Workers and their participants immediately and besieged And to prevent the fire from spreading without hurting and thank God, and the investigation is still going to find the reasons.

July 21, 2018 – 8 Zul Qa 'da 1439

06:11 PM

Evacuation of station workers and apostates. A civil defense team from Buqaiq province caught fire in one of the tankers inside a gas station

The spokesman for the Civil Defense Directorate of Eastern Province, Lieutenant-Colonel Abdul Hadi Al-Shahrani, (11:57) Saturday morning, a fire broke out with a tanker The fuel was transferred to a service station on the road to Buqaiq Al-Ahsa, where Civil protection teams were immediately deployed.On arrival, it appeared that there was a fire in a fuel tank that broke during the unloading of fuel. And the immediate and besieged and fight the fire and prevent it from spreading without any injury and thank God, and the investigation is still going to find the reasons.

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