Administrative error may put Zamalek in trouble of electrification


Saturday 07 July 2018 02:46 Show All Matches

A source close to Mahmoud Abdel Moneim "Kherba" the Zamalek gaming player that the player went Wednesday in the Giza football field to get a statement from not to be on the first list A free player has the right to move to another team during the current transfer period or to negotiate new contract details to continue with the club.

Cerva came after learning that the five-year renewal contract signed last season was not registered and that Zamalek's right to register the contract, which was dated 2017/2018, has not been saved.

The same source said in statements to "Yalla Koura" that the father of electrified during the last two days of the balloon Union in order to get the fact that no d & # 39; 39, electricity in the first list of the team to leave the White Club for free.

The Football Federation refused to register the renewal contract for the player after a past season and was put in the contract Dates of receipt of funds from the last season where the player was loaned to Jeddah Jeddah Especially since the start date of the contract As a result, the same contract can not be entered in the current season, especially since the Players Regulations stipulate that the contract must be documented within 30 days of the contract. from the date of signature.

Kharba refused to sign a new contract for Zamalek with the same details in order to register for renewal as he only remained in his old contract for one season and went to the Giza region to get a letter stating that he was not in the first list.

The source explained that the player does not mind to continue with Zamalek during the coming period, provided that this is consistent with the new contractual details negotiated between the club management and the player's representatives.

Ahlam Hafez, director of football in Zamalek, went to Tharwat Sweilem, executive director of the football federation, to document the contract last season, considering that Zamalek had paid the registration fees last season. [196900010] 1

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