After approval .. "Local MPs" calls on the government to implement the recommendations of the … Masrawy


After Approval .. "Local MPs" Call on Government to Implement Parliament's Recommendations


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Written by Hind al-Shami and Ahmed Ali:

Engineer Ahmed al-Sejini, Chairman of the Committee of Local Government in the House of Representatives, approved the approval by the program committee from the government of Dr. Mustafa Madbouli.

"We thank the Special Committee headed by Mr. Al-Sharif, the first Deputy Secretary of the Council, and thank Councilor Omar Marwan, Minister of House Affairs, for his cooperation during" The local government convened the government program of engineer Sharif Ismail, comparing what has been implemented and what has not been implemented, observed some observations contained in the agenda of the new government, an ambitious program.The committee considered some of the observations and recommendations, the most important of which is that some of the topics that were part of the previous government program were not implemented and were not included. not in the program submitted by the government, namely the redecimalisation of the border between the governorates, Administrative Division, and

The head of the local management committee said that the co It had recommended a quick discussion of the new Local Government Bill, which would create a global vision and a new governance philosophy for the local government system. (19659005) He added that the comments included that the program did not explain how to finance certain development projects. National policy does not clearly define the role of local government units and programs that support the progressive and rational decentralization and effectiveness of local bodies in the exercise of their powers and direct their powers to to become institutions for development.

The committee maximizes the financial returns of local units from the base up by supporting the financing capabilities of these units.It is important to quickly adopt and implement the recommendations issued by the committee. Local administration in this regard in general, The legislative and executive of a number of sectors such as the treatment of legislation regulating the different types of stores and their integration into a unified law facilitating the licensing process, resulting in increased demand for store licenses. With the government to put an end to this phenomenon.

The "prisoner" called on the government to pay attention to the organization of waiting vehicles on the streets and to merge the revenues of this informal sector in the official sector for the development of local units . The Cairo Public Transport Authority in Cairo and the Alexandria Authority for Pbadenger Transport The program also did not include any reference to the development and repair of distortions in the road advertising sector. In this regard, the Committee believes that the province should consider its wealth, potential, circumstances and peculiarities as an integrated administrative unit that not only oversees service activities; The Ministry of Local Development is responsible for supporting the Ministry of Local Development in its coordinating role among local ministries and agencies and providing technical services to badist local governments in improving, developing, financing and organizing the local government. 39; administration.

"The Committee emphasized that the Committee emphasized the inevitability of a program that helps the rural family to increase their income through work and production, ie finding a job or starting a productive activity, earns a monthly income, in connection with the development of the map.As well as the speed of completion of strategic and detailed plans for villages, towns and village centers, and do not allow the building to Because it represents an essential basis for urban development and a necessary component of overall development in all governorates.

The Committee recommended that a timetable be developed to deal with aggression on the Nile and the waterways and its contamination by sewage, industrial and agricultural, Radhi or Restructure the police department of facilities to include all local units to all levels to accelerate the implementation of the decisions taken to remove the offenses in its early days in its daily work department and establish a local judicial and judicial department to accelerate the violations of land rights. The Chairman of the Committee: "We have also recommended to facilitate and facilitate the procedures and rules of rationing of the occupants of private property of the State and to adopt a rational policy for community peace of citizens, as part of simplification and facilitation. In addition to simplifying the building permit procedures contained in the Construction Law No. 119 of 2008 with the speed of discussion and the completion of the bill on the conciliation of violations of buildings. 19659005] The Chairman of the Committee stresses the need for the Government to provide each quarter to the parliament and state institutions a quarterly statement on the percentage of projects implemented in the government program, which leads to a state of affairs. transparency and shared responsibility between the government and parliament. Heaps and ghosts of the people.

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