After having banned in French schools.


The Federal Council of Parents of Germany found that mobile phones were considered undesirable in schools, but that it at the same time refused to impose a general ban on their use.

Parents in the German states on Tuesday: "It disturbs the clbadroom, we should not go wrong in this regard."

But he stressed at the same time that schools are not yet technically well equipped, Mobile Phones.

Wasmut added that although the use of phones is banned Among schools, there are teachers who often say "quickly search on Google by mobile phone" when the digital infrastructure of the school is not available. School is not enough to conduct a search on the Internet, so he has expressed his opposition to a general ban on the use of the telephone in schools. The French parliament on Monday decided to ban the use of mobile phones in schools on a large scale.

Following the vote in the National Assembly (parliament), France Info reported yesterday that the law mainly prohibits the use of mobile phones. In all schools, be it kindergarten or primary Secondary

This movement was part of the requirements of the campaign of President Emmanuel Macaron

French students are not allowed to use the mobile phone during clbades, and the schools may impose a widespread ban on their use through But the procedure to follow will be the opposite: mobile phones will be banned throughout the school and the role of school instructions in this case will be will limit to exceptions.

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