After Iran's threats to disrupt the transit of oil cargo from the Strait of Hormuz?


Iranian President Hbadan Rowhani has issued a harsh message against US President Donald Trump's sanctions on Iranian oil exports, saying Tehran could disrupt regional crude oil shipments in the Straits of Ormuz and reduce its cooperation with The International Energy Agency

Rohani returned Thursday to Tehran after a rare visit to Europe where he pushed the continent to show a strong reaction to the United States' unilateral exit from the United States. 2015 nuclear agreement, a visit highlighted by the official Iranian agency. That Iran will not remain inactive in response to Washington's efforts to stop Iran's global oil imports

The Iranian threat to Iranian oil exports is not the first … There is seven years ago, Iran was threatening the same threat before, as well as other threats against America.

But this time, the Iranian threats were accompanied by the support of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who declared themselves ready to implement policies to prevent oil exports.


Washington wants all countries to End Iranian oil imports November 4, despite the weighting of temporary exceptions to highly dependent countries On Iranian crude oil, such as China, India and Turkey, the Guardian reported.

Rohani said this week during his visit to Switzerland: "The Americans have claimed that they want to completely stop Iranian oil exports." They do not understand the meaning of this statement because it is absurd to 39, exporting Iranian oil while oil is being exported to the region. "

Rowhani said Tehran could hinder the flow of oil into the Strait of Ormuz.

Trump commented that on Twitter, where the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries demanded a reduction in crude prices

Trump said on his personal account on Twitter: "Monopoly OPEC to remember that gasoline prices are high and they do little to help. "

From these tweets, it is expected that

The importance and expectations

Rohani had a very comprehensive message during his visit to Europe, which may illustrate a number of points: First, Iran expects more.

Second, the maintenance of oil exports and market share is a red line for Iran: if Trump puts his threat to the test of exports Iran's oil, Tehran is ready to fight against the States United States to impose direct costs In Austria, Rohani said Wednesday to the IAEA Director General, Yukiya Amano: "Iran's nuclear activities have always been for peaceful purposes, but Iran will decide Level of cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency."

Despite the withdrawal the United States, the Convention has not yet collapsed, with Europe remaining committed to its rescue. urope should offer a more specific economic package to Iran at the ministerial meeting of the European Commission on Friday.

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