After Mohamed Salah and Mani .. Watch the most famous stars on penalties


The dispute between the two Liverpool clubs, Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mani, was not the only one to unfold in the match of Liverpool and Manchester United last Saturday in the United States.

Liverpool beat Manchester United 4-1 in the Champions League, a match that saw the participation of both Mohammed Salah and Sadio Mani in the first half of the game

Reported "Metro" English , that Mohammed Salah, who caused the calculation of R. The penalty cage, yearned to pay him before he was surprised to get Sadio Mani on the ball towards the penalty point in preparation for the payment, which angered the Egyptian player.

The paper added that a dialogue between Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mani before the Senegalese player paid the penalty, before James Milner managed to end the dispute between the two Liverpool to remove Mohammed Salah from his shirt and the other. to move away from Sadio Mani for fear of aggravation The dispute between the two parties

The newspaper reported that a state of deep resentment dominated Mohammed Salah because of Sadio Mani's penalty, noting that the Senegalese player wanted to reconcile "Pharaoh" during the celebration of the goal, saying, You ".

The video deals with the most famous football stars to pay penalties in different stadiums [ad_2]
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