After the official launch .. Similarities between "Poster" Amr Diab and Samira Said


Written by Dina Darwish:

Published on:
Thursday, July 26, 2018 – 22:34
| Last update:
Thursday, July 26, 2018 – 22:34

A number of pioneers of social networking sites badociated Buster with Amr Diab's "Kol Hayati" album, which he presented yesterday through his stories of communication sites and the song of the Moroccan singer Samira Said, the new "Superman"

In the following lines, we review the similarities between the posterine:

• Amr Diab appeared on the upper body of the naked poster, as did Samira Said, where appeared the bare shoulders, knowing that the "plateau", Appeared by the same look in the album "La Lella Di" in 2007, and the summer version of

Amr Diab painted more of a tattoo on his body, just like Samira Said, but more strikingly.

Amr Diab and Samira Said appeared almost the same color,

• The two images are taken almost from the same angle

• The two paintings are suitable in the summer

The publication of the Poster on social networking sites sparked great controversy, especially for Bismarah Said

• The clear difference between pastrine was wearing Amr Diab sunglbades, while Samira Said appeared without glbades.

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