"Agriculture": There is no big gap between production and consumption of rice. The decision to import will control the markets


Dina Al-Najjar

Published on:
Sunday, July 8, 2018 – 8:18 pm
| Last update:
Sunday, July 8, 2018 – 8:18 pm

There is no big gap between the production and consumption of rice in Egypt in recent years or after the decision to reduce rice crops this year to rationalize water consumption ", said Dr. Hamed Abdel Dayem, spokesman for the Ministry of Agriculture. "The decision to import rice from abroad has a positive impact on the Egyptian market, as well as its contribution to the Controlling the markets, "he said From the greed of some traders, referring to the decision of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, to open the rice import, and control of the worst "Plans for the monopoly of rice, especially after the declaration of reduction of the area of ​​rice cultivation, to preserve the water, but the decision of the president came to thwart all projects aimed at the Egyptian state," adding that rice area targets this season And just produce 3 million and 25 thousand tons of barley rice and 2 million tons of Egyptian white rice.

The average consumption of rice in Egypt does not exceed 3 million tons, which indicates that there is no big difference between production and consumption, Rice this year

He stressed the development of new rice varieties through continued research in M. [1969005] President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi fell in with Prime Minister Mustafa Medbouli and the Minister of Supply and Services. of Internal Trade, Ali Mesailhi, on the import of rice, and ordered the provision of basic food staples of citizens and control of commodity prices in the markets.

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