Ahli allocates 54 million pounds to join the "Super" striker after Azaro's departure to China


Ahli club has allocated $ 3 million, about 54 million pounds, to join Moroccan striker Walid Azaro, who has confirmed his departure to the Chinese club Hebei Fortune for $ 10 million, or $ 180 million. Egyptian pounds.

"The seventh day" that the National Football Committee led by Mahmoud Khatib has decided to include a very qualified striker to lead the red attack of the Moroccan striker next season.

The general coach Mohamed Youssef and the acting director of the Khawaja football team Patrice Carton Artistic director of the red team during the team is currently in Croatia to choose the successor Moroccan striker Walid Azaro, waiting for foreign attackers to determine their level and choose what suits their artistic and material potential.

Carteron seeks to join the red attacker The red attack is not affected in the coming period, especially as the club's management has questioned Cartier before approving the departure of D & B Azaro and wait until it determines the alternative to start negotiations on annexation before the start of the new season.



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