Ahmed Abdel-Wareth apologizes for having participated in "Brain Demon"


Here is the story of Ahmed Abdel-Warith apologizing for his participation in the "Demon & # 39; s Brain"

The artist Ahmed Abdel-Warith s is excused from having participated in the movie "Brain Demon" with Bbadem Samra and directed by Karim Ismail. Al-Warth, "told the Middle East news agency that he had recently apologized for not taking part in the film, adding that he was currently participating in the play "Youth in the eyes of the Prophet" on the stage of the nose in Alexandria.

For its part, Basem Samra will resume filming in the movie "The Devil & # 39; s Brain" Tuesday after receiving a two-day leave, with Rania Youssef, Amr Abed, Salwa Khattab, Nahed Khairi, Amr Al-Dali, Ahmed Abdel Baset, and directed by Karim Ismail

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