Ain Shams honors its professors who received the 2017 University Award


Ain Shams University today celebrated a grand celebration for faculty members who received the 2017 Ain Shams Award in the presence of University Vice Presidents. and Samir Abdel Nbader, Secretary General of the University, Deans of Faculties and Assistant Secretaries.

Dr. Abdul Wahab Ezzat, President of the University, congratulated all the professors who received the University Award, praising their role in the service of scientific research and society through their research. Support and care.

He added that the Ain Shams University is eager to evaluate the research according to scientific and methodological standards that are very close to the standards of evaluation of the research submitted for the awards of the I & # State, so it's easy to ask for these rewards.

Dr. Nazmi Abdel Hamid, Vice President Community Service and Environmental Development, spoke about the University's efforts in various fields of scientific, academic, community and environmental research, so that the research results are in line with the research. state and needs of society.

Dr. Abdul Wahab Ezzat, President of the University, awarded certificates of recognition to faculty members who received the Distinguished University Award: Dr. Mahmoud Ibrahim Ashour, Professor of Archeology at the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Mamdouh Jad Damati. , And have received the University's award of appreciation in social sciences and basic sciences. Dr. Ashraf Shams El-Din, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, and Dr. Maher Abdulaziz Al-Hashash, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Dr. Ahmed Bahaa El-Din El-Din Sawy, Mahrous Matmoud, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Mathematical Education.

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