Akhbar Al – Youm Exclusive Benefits of slimming carrots include prevention of constipation


News of the day The benefits of carrots in thinning, including the prevention of constipation Source News – the seventh day with the details of benefits of carrots in slimming, prevention of constipation: [19659002] News From Egypt Today – The Islands Are Important Vegetables Of Human Health, For Beta Carotene, Which Keeps Cholesterol In The Blood And Prevents Heart Disease Because It Is Rich in potbadium, helps lower cholesterol and water retention, which helps the body lose weight.

Preserving the health of the eye

The islands contain important nutrients that help preserve the health of the eye, such as lutein and lycopene, in addition to containing great amount of vitamin A in the islands. .

  Islands 2

Weight Loss

If you diet to lose weight, your diet should include fiber-rich, soluble, and insoluble foods that promote digestion and give you a sense of fullness and prevent you from eating more.


Carrots contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which plays an important role in maintaining the health of the digestive system, thus preventing the occurrence of health problems such as constipation.

  Fu Iodine Islands "src =" https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/19/96227-%D9%81%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%A6 % D8% AF-% D8% </p>
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Low cholesterol and preservation of heart health

The islands contain A high proportion of dietary fiber, which helps to get rid of the harmful cholesterol walls of the arteries and blood vessels, which maintains the health of the heart and blood vessels in the body.

Treatment of High Blood Pressure

Helps carrots to reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the body and relieve blood vessels and arteries because it contains potbadium that promotes blood circulation and reduces high blood pressure. Stroke and heart attacks.

  Benefits of Islands 2 "src =" https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/19/116557-%D9%81%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%A6%D8 ( 19659004) </p>
<h2 clbad= Preserving the health of the skin


The islands contain important nutrients such as beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene that maintain skin and healthy nails.

Maintenance of Immune Health

Carrots contain vitamins Minerals and various antioxidants such as vitamins B6 and K potbadium, phosphorus, etc. that help maintain healthy bones, maintain brain health, reduce free radical Moe, which helps protect the body from harmful bacteria, viruses and inflammation.

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