Akram Hosni responds to an admirer who asked him to testify on his marriage contract


The latest news of art and artists today surprised one of the Egyptian Egyptians Akram Hosni, through his Twitter page, asking him to witness the contract of wedding.

The girl said in her twitter: "Hardly Akram Hosni attests to the holding of serious security and psychological pbadports in order to keep his pbadport" last mascot "… Think about the agreement possible and to safety? "No, Hinzdelli, Henfedli, I know I'm a vertebra."

Akram Hosny's response was a surprise to the girl after he had asked her in his own way: "We are my mother," in a statement of his acceptance to participate in the Qur'an's contract at the moment of his determination.

On the other hand, Akram Hosni participated in the last race of Ramadan in the series "The Will", with the artist Ahmad Al Ameen, Mohammad Juma, as well as a number of stars and comedies and was a great success after his presentation.

He also continues shooting the last scenes of the film "The Suit", which he presents with the artist Tamer Hosni, in preparation for the race Eid al-Adha after his departure from the race of the Eid al-Fitr.

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