Al Ahli club news on Sunday 15/7/2018


Al Ahly's club on Sunday 15/7/2018 witnessed several important news, leading preparations for the Red Team match against Township, in the match that will take place Tuesday at 9:00 pm at Burj stadium Al Arab in the third round.

The date of the Cartier Conference and the training of the Canton in front of Saddam Borg El Arab

The technical staff of Al Ahli will hold a press conference at the Palais des Congrès of the Borg El Arab Stadium in 17:30, in the presence of Patrice Cartier,, and the team leader Hossam Ashour, according to

The conference is held according to the instructions of the African Union to talk about the game of Al Ahly with the canton and answer all questions related to the meeting Al Ahli is preparing to meet Botswana Tuesday night at the Borg El Arab stadium in Alexandria in the third round of the group stage In African Champions League, the conference will be followed by the launch of the Team at 18:00 at Burj Al Arab Stadium, where the media will be allowed to attend the first 15 minutes of the match.


Canton [19659007TechnicalmeetingoftheAlAhlyetduCantonsetiendramerWednesdayat21h00austadeBorgElArabautroisièmetourdligueafricaineschampionsenprésencedAhliMohamedYoussef

What did Khatib say to the "Ahli players" before the shock of the township?

Mahmoud Al-Khatib, president of the Al Ahli club, was eager to travel to Alexandria on Sunday afternoon. Sunday, and held a long meeting With the Red team players to check their preparations for the Township match, the champion of Botswana, in the African Champions League, which takes place after Tuesday at the Burj Al stadium Arab.

The Ahly president calls on the players to make the most of their efforts, to badume their responsibilities and to defend Ahlawi's dream of restoring the African title and returning to the world championship.

Khalid Aldrindly to head the Ahli Al-Ahly Administration Mission, led by Mahmoud Al-Khatib Khalid Al-Durandli, treasurer of the club, under the chairmanship of the First Team football team, during the match back against the canton of Tunis.

The return match between the two teams on July 28 Fourth round of the African Champions League Ya.

 Khaled al-Durandali

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