Al-Bashayer Journal Development of new drugs to treat diabetes


Development of new drugs to treat diabetes

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 19:16:00 – Readers 10

  Development of new drugs to treat diabetes

US researchers reported that they have successfully developed new type 2 anti-diabetic drugs that do not cause side effects such as those caused by existing medications, including nausea and vomiting.

Researchers from Pennsylvania and Syracuse Tuesday, prior to the Society's annual meeting for the study of Motivational Behavior, which runs from July 17 to 21 in Florida

The researchers explained that drugs against Current diabetes often lead to many side effects, mainly nausea and vomiting. These effects reduce the quality of life

They added that all FDA-approved drugs to treat diabetes cause nausea and vomiting between 20% and 50% of patients.

To overcome this problem, the team succeeded in modifying the active compound in existing drugs, a compound called exendin-4, by binding each molecule to vitamin B12 and producing a less absorbing compound in the regions of brain that cause nausea and vomiting.

The team tested the new drug on animals with type 2 diabetes The blood sugar is like a traditional drug, but without side effects.

And found the pat [9] According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 90% of diabetes cases registered in the world Diabetes, the second type, is mainly caused by l? hyperactivity and physical inactivity and, over time, high blood sugar levels may increase the risk of heart disease, blindness, nerves and kidney failure. Diabetes when the immune system in the body dives See cells that control blood sugar levels, and are mostly children.

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