Al-Bashayer Journal Egypt leads African countries in the "e-waste" .. I do not know how to enjoy it !! |


Egypt is the leading African country in "electronic waste" … and does not know how to profit from it !!

Friday, July 6, 2018 21:54:23 – Readers 1

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Overseas, waste is no matter where it comes from: China, for example, recycles garbage and makes clothes, toys, mobile accessories and everything you imagine. While in Egypt, we do not know how to behave and do not want to learn from others how to behave. Even the big countries import Egyptian garbage and waste millions of dollars.

This is on the occasion of an article in The Guardian newspaper that Egypt, Algeria, and South Africa dominated the continent African in the electronic waste volume of about 1.1 million tons just last year.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), in collaboration with the United Nations University and the International Commission on Solid Waste of the United Nations, condemned the lack of information on the volume of e-waste collected and recycled by the public sector in Africa.

The number of electronics and electronic engineering manufacturers in Africa compared to the size of the huge waste produced by the continent, which stands at 2.2 million tonnes, or about 5% of waste global electronics, pointing out that this waste comes from imports of new and used electronic equipment.

The term "electronic waste" refers to used and used electronic devices, as well as residues of raw materials used in the manufacture of such devices such as carbon and lead.

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