Al-Bashayer Journal IPhone prepares Apple to launch in September


Apple iPhone phones are about to launch in September .. Know it

Saturday, July 14, 2018 20:02:00 – Readers 13

<img src = "http: // elbashayeronline. com / upload / img / elbashayer_image_1531587741.jpg "alt =" Apple iPhone Phones Are Getting Ready for September. Know it "title =" IPhone Phones Ready for Apple's Launch in September .

Technical rumors have recently suggested that Apple plans to launch three iPhone phones in September, with the hope that it will offer a cheap phone to attract people with power. limited purchase.

"Apple may announce in September an upgraded version of the iPhone 5.8-inch phone and better performance, and the iPhone X Plus is expected to launch a 6.5-inch OLED display.

Surprise n & # 39; is not in both devices, but in another iPhone that has a screen size of 6.1 inches, the price will not exceed the price of the phone "iPhone 8" and "iPhone 8 Plus". [19659005] Bring Hat "IPhone X" features revolutionary features such as facial recognition, wireless charging and an extended screen in the interface without edges, but its price from $ 1000 is one of its points negatives on the market.

But it is likely to call it "iPhone 9", especially since the company went directly from 8 to 10.

As a result, Apple could launch in a few months his smartphones as follows: X2 "and" iPhone X2 Plus "and" iPhone 9. "

Digital experts believe that Apple sells his cheap phone between 600 and 700 The price of the iPhone X2 will fluctuate between $ 700 and $ 800, while that of the iPhone X2 Plus will range between $ 900 and $ 1,000.

Apple bets on the right price to convince many of its customers to change their old devices, the cheap iPhone

At the design level, a cheap iPhone will have an aluminum frame other than # 39, an iPhone X with a steel frame, and the background is similar between the two devices since it will be reinforced glbad.

Apple has some colors on its phones, which are also likely to release new iPhones The most significant difference between the iPhone and the iPhone is the iPhone, the iPhone, the X2, the iPhone, the iPhone, the iPhone, the iPhone, For the iPhone X2 Plus, "the oval screen will be thicker, more responsive and more color-sensitive, and the cheap phone will be on the LCD, the same screen that used in my iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus.

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