Al-Bashayer Journal Signs of a Russian-Israeli agreement. Assad's survival and the expulsion of Iran


Signs of a Russo-Israeli agreement .. The survival of Assad and the expulsion of Iran

Thursday, July 12, 2018 3:00:21 م – Readers 17

<img src = "" alt = "Signs of a Russo-Israeli agreement .. The survival of Assad and l & 39; Expulsion of Israeli Iran .. Assad's survival and the expulsion of Iran

Hours after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official visit to Moscow, the Russian capital, to negotiate an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin

The agreement does not prevent the Syrian President's return Bashar Assad in Syrian territory [Netanyahou] who met Putin yesterday in the Kremlin, told reporters before leaving Moscow, the policy of Israel is still the same: the complete withdrawal of the Iranian militia, in return Israel n & # 39, will not intervene in Assad's efforts to regain control On the border areas, Netanyahu's remarks come a few hours after the Israeli air force attacked three military positions in Syrian territory and a few hours before the arrival of the adviser of the Iranian leader Ali Akbar Velayati in Moscow to meet the Russian president.

Israeli radio quoted Israeli sources as saying that "while Russia is working to move Iran away from the Israeli border with Syria, Israel will refrain from sending a letter from the Iranian leader. Ali Khamenei and a letter written by President Hbadan Rowhani Intervention and disruption of efforts to achieve

Netanyahu did not lose sight of his remarks when he met the Russian President yesterday at the Kremlin: "Our position is well known that Iran must leave Syria. "

" The Russian president has asked him not to interfere in the efforts of the Syrian president to regain control of Syrian territory, especially its borders. "

Netanyahu told reporters: "Israel does not oppose the return of the Syrian president And the stability of the influence of his regime. "

" We do not intervene and we do not intervene, that has not changed, According to Israeli media, Putin yesterday told Netanyahu that his country was working to maintain the economy. Iran far from the Golan border.

But Netanyahu seemed completely dissatisfied, and today he said, "We want to remove the Iranians from Syrian territory. He told reporters: "The Iranians have not completely left the area, but they have moved a few dozen kilometers from the Golan border."

The Israeli Prime Minister added that "our position has not changed and is the complete withdrawal of Iranian forces". The Israeli media say that until this is accomplished, Israel has asked the Russians to guarantee three things: "First, maintain the 1974 disengagement agreements With Syria on the Golan Heights by creating a buffer zone in the border, secondly, by removing the missiles directed at Israel from Syria and thirdly by continuing to drive away the Iranian forces. "

Shortly after Netanyahu's visit to Moscow, his eyes turn to Donald Trump. in Helsinki.

Netanyahu told Affirmant that his positions are perfectly coordinated with Washington: "We treat a total transparency with the United States."

However, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, at the dawn of Thursday, "with our friends in Israel," I do not trust Russia to control Iran or anyone else in Syria, the United States must maintain their presence in Syria to s "To ensure that the Russian-Iranian influence does not come back."

Graham adds: "The American withdrawal from Syria A major disaster for Kurdish allies and American interests and Regional stability."

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