Al-Bashayer Journal The Hero I Carmen: Support the Theater


Heroes I Carmen: Support the Theater

Tuesday, July 31, 2018 12:12:13 – Readers 1

  Heroes I Carmen: Support the Theater "title =" Heroes I Carmen: Support the Theater "/>

<p>  The performance of "Ana Carmen" was widely praised by the audience who watched the show tonight at the King Opera Theater of Ramses as part of the 11th National Theater Festival. </p>
<p>  At the end of the show, the actress Sama Ibrahim called He loves the theater and supports it. </p>
<p>  "I am Carmen" represented by the sky of Abraham, and I am the father of all women, </p>
<p>  The National Theater Festival will be held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and will last from July 19th to August 3rd. </p>
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