Al-Fajr Gate: Tariq Al-Shennawi writes: "Cinema Faten Hamama"


Can not stand
Equation As such, everyone is delighted to rebuild the movie stands on the other side of the
The houses of religion, as if they are biased against the sanctuary to strike the sacred, we must activate the decision that destroys
The cinema requires the owner of the land to create another cinema, and I wish the friend d. Inas Abdalayem,
Minister of Culture, follow up this issue to implement the resolution.

Once the story is published
Film demolition Faten Hamama I received a phone call from Dr. Kabir Mohamed Abdel Wahab, professor of radiology
The first in the Arab world, and the husband of the great lady Faten Hamama, who has lived together 40 years, Li said
Unfortunately, we are too soft in the soft power of Egypt
It can accommodate a lot of things, we have to wake up otherwise we will end up out of time, Dr. Nose
Ear and throat, son of Manial district, Tarek Fahim, m corrected information that Faten Hamama cinema
In the past, she called Mirand and not Green, before being named Faten in the mid-1980s,
Anwar Sadat, the night of the revolution, went to a nearby cinema, which was a kindergarten
To release a record proving that he was at the theater
Revolution Night, although he was the one who broadcast the first statement of the Revolution in 52, and the mainstream media,
He was the air announcer who received Sadat.

The other letter
Come from singer Asala, who wrote: "More in our country no interest in the value of beauty, because of
Small interests lose our noble values, there is more hope for us than to complain or escape the confrontation,
There are those who destroy the rest of the memories that refer to what we were climbing, creativity and freedom,
Everything becomes consumable, where are the big ones like Umm Kulthum, Abdalwahab and Abdel Halim, and how not
Their homes are turning into museums visited by people, to commemorate our days and our memories !, I believe that it will come
Day and we write about Faten Cinema and all the giants who have delighted us, and yet the most beautiful is coming. "
The original words have finished, and I repeat with her: Yes, the most beautiful happens.

The article is cited
For " Egyptian Today "

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