Ali Rabie: I'm worried about the fall of "Sak on your sisters" … and I went back to the movies with a bomb


Mohammed Abdul Jalil

Published on:
Thursday, July 5, 2018 – 23:24
| Last update:
Thursday, July 5, 2018 – 23:24

The comedian Ali Rabie, a member of the Egyptian theater group, revealed the scale of the filming effort of the series "Sk on Your Sisters", explaining that he was the only one in the world. intend to return to the screen with the movie "Bomb Breaking the World". During a meeting with the program "Happens in Egypt", the broadcaster via satellite "mbc Egypt" on Thursday night, he feared that the series did not occupy an important place in the rest of the series in because of the number of big stars participating in the Ramadan season. About 4 months, to show the series in the appropriate picture.

It was mentioned that all participants in the series helped him in the comedy industry. "The series was an extended song, and he was the sound engineer and the dialect corrector, and many others help me out.

He continued: "Concerned about the competition, in the big stars, and with the remains of Ayes, you are one of the first Khayef said that my colleagues from the Maheusush series, he realized that They were themselves. "

He explained that there is a big difference between performing on stage at the Theater of Egypt and appearing on the screens of cinema and television.

He pointed out that he followed the public's opinions continuously during the series of the show, whether online or in the cha

It should be noted that the series "Sk on your brothers", and the participant in the drama season during the month of Ramadan, the latest featured artists Ali Rabie and Salah Abdullah, and here Zahid, and Salwa Khattab, Sabri Fawaz and Karim Fahmi, directed by Wael Ihsan [19659009] (function (d, s, id) {
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