All you need to know about the lunar eclipse


The world's longest lunar eclipse in the twenty-first century, the "bloody moon", awaits the world's population in most countries of Africa, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the Middle East. Australia, South America, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. And the Antarctic

NASA announced that the total eclipse will take an hour and 42 minutes and 57 seconds, but will be preceded by a partial eclipse, which means that the moon will pbad in total 3 hours and 54 minutes in the dark part of the earth's shadow, The phenomenon will be visible to the naked eye. "The reason for naming the phenomenon with the bloody moon is that sunlight enters the earth's atmosphere to the moon and the Earth's atmosphere becomes red, just as the sun's disc is red" says Andrew Fabian, professor of astronomy at the University of Cambridge. Sunset. "

He added that when the moon moves to the conical shadow of the earth, it will be illuminated by the sunlight to be dark, but some light will reach the moon because it is broken by the atmosphere of the Earth.

In the same night, Mars should be at the earliest point of the Earth since 2003, and should continue for several days, March will appear in the form of a "bright red star" when the sky will be clear.

According to the National Institute of Research in Astronomy and Geophysics in Egypt, "the eclipse" of the moon will pbad five stages: partial shade, partial, total, partial and semi-shadow, for about 6 hours and 14 minutes.

The eclipse appears clearly in areas where the sky is clear so that everyone can see what phenomenon all over the world except in North America, and begins with the emergence of the moon in Great B retagne and in Western Europe.

The most visible vision of the phenomenon is in eastern Europe, in central and eastern Africa, and in south-east Asia, where the total lunar eclipse is observed if the weather is favorable.

As the moon appears on Mars, which looks like a bright red star, Jupiter appears in the south of Europe while Venus appears to the west.

On the moment of his appearance in Egypt, Dr. Hatem Odeh, President of the National Institute of Astronomical and Geophysical Research in Egypt, confirmed that the moon enters the semi-shaded region at 19:15 pm. Cairo, an invisible phase to the naked eye. This is the beginning of the partial eclipse by entering the eastern edge of the lunar disc at Earth time at 8:24 pm, while the viewer observes the darkness of the moon. shadow of the earth on the moon.

He adds that the eclipse lasts partially, and over time and at 21:30 begins the total eclipse of the moon, which is located throughout the earth and covered with red copper, reaching a peak at 22h22 and ending its total phase at 11h: The night

In Saudi Arabia, the eclipse will start at 20:14 and the peak will reach 9:21 KSA.

In Jordan and the Palestinian Territories, the Moon enters the semi-shaded region at 8:15 pm from Jordan and Palestine, and the partial eclipse begins at 9:24 pm, the total eclipse beginning at 10:30, reaching a peak at 11:22, the total eclipse is at 00:00 Saturday, while the partial eclipse ends at 1:19, and the moon emerges from the semi-shadow and the eclipse ends completely at 02:29 .

In Tunisia, the eclipse will start at 19:22 and culminate at 21:21, Tunis time. In Morocco, the eclipse will begin in the Moroccan capital at 8:26 am, and the peak will reach 21:21 Morocco time.

In the UK: A partial eclipse will start at 20:30 GMT, and the total eclipse will take place between 21:20 GMT, with the moon rising in the southeast, until 22:13.

The British "Independent" newspaper, that the eclipse will be this time because the moon goes directly through the center of the Earth's shadow, so it takes longer to cross the # 39, darkness, and thus continue the eclipse longer.

Moreover, the Earth in this case is almost far from the Sun during its orbit, which makes the trip longer also, since the angle and the distance make the shadow larger.

The length of this eclipse means that the effect of thunderstorms expected tonight – which threaten to spoil the event – may be less, and even if it's raining and cloudy for a while, it is likely that you will be able to detect something from the eclipse.

It is worth mentioning that this twenty-first century will see 225 lunar eclipse phenomena, including 85 colleges, and only 6 will last more than 3 hours, and the longest will be the eclipse that will take place tonight.

The shortest total eclipse of the moon during this century occurred on April 4, 2005 and lasted 4 minutes 48 seconds.

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