"Almtbush at the price experience but .. Think of the fourth and the Renaissance"


Al-Sissi: "Draw our price experience, but think of the fourth and the Renaissance." The news editor quotes the news editor: "Tempted about our price experience, but … think about the fourth and the Renaissance".

The President of the News Observatory Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, speaking to the Egyptian people, during the meeting of the President of the Republic of Egypt, Session "Ask the President", in the framework of the second day of the National Youth Congress in JA Cairo on Sunday, said: "If you only ask prices to measure the Egyptian experience, they will continue to complain about the experience, because on July 3, the Renaissance was here and there, and the whole country was inflamed., The words that he concluded because the common people of the army and the police gave their lives to reach security and stability

Al-Sisi added, "What did I promise you that I am the problem and that I let it down?" "You are in a state of challenge.

The activities of the second day, the session "Development of the system of health insurance", also include a session entitled "National Project for the Structure of Information of the Egyptian State", then the session "Interviewing the president and university youth".

The first day of the conference began on Saturday with 3 sessions, the opening session started at 11am, followed by the session of the "Egyptian Youth Strategy" and the third session "The Strategy for the development of education ". Everything is better .. and the transfer of news from all news sources and facilitate their reading. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. With greetings from the family of the Observatory's information website.
(19659003) Source: Editorial News