Alshan Mtkhdash .. Reasons not to rush to buy the phone 5G


Usually, many users are looking for all the latest technology and buy the latest technologies at all costs, especially smart devices until some reach the stage of technological obsession, which requires sometimes a caution when buying technologies The customer or the user of his huge potential, as is the case for fifth-generation mobile phones, has been revealed in recent months. Manufacturers had promised to market it this summer. 2019Although fifth-generation services are not officially launched around the world, the seventh day provides 5 reasons for the consumer not to rush to buy phones with 5G.

The expansion of fifth-generation mobile networks is limited to certain countries in limited areas, including the United States of America and South Korea, where it is expected to be officially launched in 2020.

Fifth-generation mobile technology is not only about smartphones, but will revolutionize the supply of machines between them. Some international business reports predict that the number of connected devices will reach 50 billion by 2020..

The standard fifth-generation model, which includes a section on radio technology, smartphone standards and the technical devices through which it operates, as well as frequencies and stations serving the Middle East and the Middle East. Africa, is still not in place. Welcome Sharm el-Sheikh in October.

Although the fifth generation mobile phone is launched in many countries around the world in 2020, its full deployment will take between two and three years, which may require the device owner to take advantage of its benefits elsewhere than in the world. covered areas.

The price of fifth-generation mobile devices, between $ 1,500 and $ 2,000, for off-camera devices.

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