Urinary incontinence is a problem that many people are exposed to and that causes them embarrbadment and anxiety, it is a loss of control of the patient. urine that can occur at any time, probably because of the weakness of the urinary muscles. ] There is an Alternative Medicine for the Treatment of Incontinence
Alternative Medicine for Incontinence
1: Through pelvic floor exercises "Kegel", where it controls the bladder and reduces urine leakage as it reduces stress. [Incontinence urinaire] [MagnesiumaunionactiveinbadfeedingItextendsallpartsofthebodyreducesmusclecrampsintheabdomenandthighs
3: Foods that contain vitamin D because it regulates urinary incontinence because it helps maintain muscle strength, where studies have shown that women who have a high proportion of vitamin D less insomnia.
4: Yoga exercises, helps tighten muscles and relieve anxiety and depression. ]
5: Cumin, contains a high proportion of vitamins and nutrients that act on the treatment of incontinence and improve the health of muscles and bones. [19459] Watercress is one of the most popular types of vegetables containing nutrients and vitamins that promote healthy body, strengthen muscles and treat incontinence.
7: Clove, an herb that has many benefits for a healthy body And skin and hair because it contains nutrients and vitamins and it works to strengthen the muscles and the treatment of incontinence.
8: Pill, help cure incontinence It can be put in food or drink and eat three times a day, Food Ingredients
9: Ducker, as well as its amazing benefits in the treatment of Incontinence, but it contains a large amount of minerals and properties that help treat incontinence.
10: wild berries, contains many nutrients that help strengthen body health and incontinence treatment.
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