Announcement of the result of the secondary Azhar 2018 through the grid of Al-Azhar


– Last updated: Hbadan Mohamed
  Announcement of the result of the secondary Azhar 2018 in through the Al-Azhar Gate
The result of the Al-Azhar Secondary 2018

Al-Azhar Al-Sharif will announce the secondary result of Al-Azhari 2018 in the next hours, where success rates are expected to be high and unprecedented this year The head of the Azhar Institutes sector said that all high school Azhar students will be surprised by the high success rate this year, which will make all students and applications lucky. The link of the Al-Azhar High School site to make it easier for all students to know their results.

Announcement of the results of the secondary school year 2018 of Azhar

For students and parents, inquire about following the secondary certificate Azhar by entering the official link of the Gate Al- Azhar on the Internet, in order to know the results of exams in all subjects studied by all educators, literary or scientific, Our site for all success and success in the district The head of the Azhar sector institutes, said that all control centers in the last step to identify the names of the first and officially announce them, through the press conference held by the Sheikh of Al-Azhar before the end of this week, and hours later the Sheikh Al-Azhar will announce also the result of the certificate of the Islamic division as well as the result of the Azhar secondary in Gaza and the certificate of Islamic revival in all the provinces and cities of Egypt, where he added the chief institutes of the Azhar sector, Results officially in the coming hours, and by way of conclusion, we wish students success.

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