Apple abandons Intel because of the iPhone 5G


It seems that 2020 will see many Apple decisions, regarding iPhone devices of the future iPhone.

After many years of cooperation, Apple has decided to end cooperation with its counterpart Intel, in the manufacture of wireless chipsets. Modems for iPhone 5G 5Gs, whose official release is expected in less than 18 months.

One of the most powerful technological decisions for future iPhone devices is that it will not contain the Sunny Peak chip, Researchers to develop their academic capabilities between the features of Wi-Fi, WiFi and Bluetooth It is expected that it will be used in the 5th generation of the iPhone 5G

Experts believe that the main reasons that Apple abandoned the use of Intel's Sunny Peaks are to develop a special technology system since 2009, called 802.11 ad, which can also be defined as WiGig, to develop wireless communication capabilities in line with the development and need of 5G V5 for maximum Internet connection speed, surpbading all previous versions of the iPhone

Sunny Peak, there are many rumors about its direction to contract with Mediate ck to produce communication chips without thread for the future HomePods, a major break in Apple's long-term collaboration relationship with Intel.

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