Apple shipped 3.5 million smart hours in the second quarter of 2018


  Apple shipped 3.5 million smart hours in the second quarter of 2018
Apple shipped 3.5 million smart hours in the second quarter of 2018

The company Market badysis Cbades announced today that Apple has shipped 3.5 million smart hours during the quarter The second quarter of this year, a slight increase of 30% over last year, the second quarter of Apple was the worst, this year's figures indicate that Apple Watch Series 3 is more popular than its predecessor.

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Apple Clock

Competitors such as Fitbit and Garmin also posted strong performances in the second quarter and increased their market share.Features such as advanced heart rate benchmarks helped these competitors strongly, and although Apple has delivered more hours, its overall market share fell from 43% in the first quarter to 34%.

In Asia [LTE Apple Watch Series 3 The most popular model, accounting for 60% of the total 250,000 units shipped, "said Jason Lo," chief badyst Cbadys in a statement to Le Verge Apple Apple came mainly because of his decision to badociate with operators in Asia and Australia.

Source: Seventh day


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