"Arab Ahmed" agent for the supply of Qalioubia .. And the exemption of the Director of Administrative Affairs Council of Shebin al-Qanater from his post


The Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, Ali Al-Meselhi, made the decision to appoint Ahmed Ali Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Supply in Qalioubia, replacing Ahmed Al Sayed who has overthrown the minister. Hafizah raised the minister and decided to turn him into an inquiry, to decide after days to exempt him from his duties for not applying the instructions and the receipt of intelligent ration cards after production to the ministry despite the notification and to alert him more than once

General Mahmud Ashmawi, governor of Qalioubiya, has decided to exempt the director of administrative affairs of the city of Shebin al – Qanater from his post and to transfer it to the Contracts and Supplies Department to allow the distribution of meat and liver. The Council Chamber, presented by one of the staff alternates, was transferred in a non-human way and without a formal donation and distribution procedure.

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