Arab entrepreneurs shoot with the Union of Alexandria in the opening of the league


  Ayman Gilberto


Ayman Gilberto

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

6:02 p.m.

Arab Contractors and Al Ittihad of Alexandria drew 1-1 for each team in the first Premier League matches for the 2018/2019 season.

Each team scored a point in the opening of the competition, at a meeting held at the stadium of Alexandria.

Benhaini opened the scoring in the 8th minute for the Alexandria Union and equalized Taher Mohammed Taher in the 68th minute

Emmanuel Benahini took advantage of the mistake of the Arab Contractors & # 39; Gunners and scored the first goal of the game in the 8th minute.

Luis Eduardo was denied the equalization of the Arab Contractors Club in the 11th minute, after a superb pbad from Taher Mohamed Taher.

In the 42nd minute, UEFA was able to add Khalid Amar's second goal of a header but missed the post, after a spectacular center of the small Jadu.

Entrepreneurs Hbadan Shaheen managed to deprive the Union of Alexandria of a second goal 50 minutes after being sent off by Khaled Amar's shot.

Tahir Mohammed Taher scored the equalizer for Arab Contractors in the 68th minute thanks to a powerful shot after a pbad from Karim Mustafa.

Al Ittihad won the first penalty of the 2018/2019 season, but the Keeper of the Contractors took him out of Khaled Amar, to keep him 1-1.

Razak Cissé shot a powerful ball, in the 82nd minute, pbaded the post, to continue the draw.

Al-Hani Suleiman left the ball before reaching the Arab Contractors' striker after a spectacular shot by Karim Mustafa in the 86th minute.

Mohammed Samir, the Arab Contractors' defender, won the first red card after the opposition.

Karim Mustafa nearly scored the second goal in the net, but the shot went past the post.

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