Asala of his crisis with Mawazine Festival: My dignity prevents me from paying bribes to the richest


Asala and the Mawazine Festival

Asala revealed the details of his recent crisis at the Mawazine Morocco Festival, which ended a few days ago, through his account on the site of exchange "Instagram."

Asala wrote: The need to know me in Arab countries, and it is then a secret known by the artist to some managers and officials of major festivals, I have not landed to sing so, because I love you and love me very much, and after Fadlallah Ali and you after And the dignity of my talent and respect for the Secretariat. "

She continued:" Archie to get you "If there was anyone who did not respect the ethics of the profession, in dear Darling Morocco, that is like tens, hundreds and thousands everywhere on earth. "

"I always miss meeting you and I like to sing in deep consciousness, and do not care about someone who only represents himself, and if we do not meet today." Tomorrow is a relative, and I will not do the Finished dimension but more eager to meet the most beautiful. "

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