Attention to diseases transmitted by dogs and cats


08:00 p

Thursday, November 29


Although the benefits of pets for the health of their owners in many ways, they can also transmit infections to some of them very painful or deadly. From Care2, here are seven common diseases that dogs can contract in cats and cats.

1 – Ringworm

Ringworm is a skin condition characterized by itching, a red rash, sometimes ring-shaped, dry or wet, accompanied by hair loss in the affected area.

Fungal infection causes disease transmission in dogs, cats, horses, other animals and humans According to the University of California School of Veterinary Medicine, infection can occur by touching an animal with company for an injury or touching the surface of a sick dog or cat.

2 – Scrabble Cats

The symptoms of scratches in the cat are swelling or ulceration at the scratching site, swelling of the lymph nodes, fever, headache, inflammation of the muscles and joints, fatigue and loss of appetite .

According to Cornell Veterinary College, cat scratches are sometimes badociated with the transmission of the bacterium Bartonella henselae. About 40% of cats carry the bacteria, but many do not, because they are infected with flea bites. Keeping them inside helps to reduce the risk of scabies and to wash your hands thoroughly after playing. With a cat

3 – toxoplasmosis

Symptoms of toxoplasmosis include muscle pain, fever, headache, confusion, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Most cat owners are aware of toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease that cats can transmit through feces. According to Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine, cats, who are allowed to graze outside the home, are infected with parasites that may remain several months in the near environment. in danger.

4- Leptospirosis

The symptoms of leptospirosis are similar to those of the flu, including fever, headache, muscle aches, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Leptospirosis is a potentially dangerous bacterial infection transmitted by water or urine. Symptoms in dogs include fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, not eating, extreme weakness, depression, kidney disease and liver dysfunction, according to Oregon Association. Veterinary Services. However, there is a vaccine for dogs against leptospirosis strains.

5 – Pasteuritis disease

The symptoms of Pasteurella are swelling, redness, pain and warmth of the skin. Pasteuria bacteria is found in the respiratory tract of cats and dogs.

"Pasteurites can be transmitted to humans through direct and indirect contact, such as a dog or cat, such as a bite or even a scratch of a cat," according to the journal Medicine and Life. They often appear as localized skin infections and are treated with antibiotics.

However, according to Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine, bacteria can cross the bloodstream, resulting in serious complications, including heart valve infection.

6- Scabies

Symptoms of scabies include severe itching, skin rashes and crustaceans in the affected area, and hair loss, or scaly scabies, a common skin condition in dogs (and less common in cats) caused by mites . Dogs are infected with scabies from another infected animal, according to PetMD.

PetMD shows that highly infected licorice digs under the skin, causing itching and irritation. The treatment takes weeks for pets and humans, and the strong natural immune system effectively helps rid the body of parasites.

7. Deadly rabies

The symptoms of rabies vary from fear to aggression, through excessive salivation, irregular walking and paralysis.

The deadly rabies virus kills an estimated 59,000 people worldwide each year, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. The virus is transmitted through the saliva of an infected animal by a bite and, as soon as the obvious signs of the disease appear, it becomes lethal and does not heal. Mammals only catch rabies. The rabies vaccine is very effective in humans.

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